What lights your soul on fire? Let this be your guide in life.

What makes your inner child jump for joy? Make time for this. Every. Single. Day.

What makes you feel THE MOST alive? Remember this on the days that feel hard.

What do you do when you feel proud of who you are? BE this.

When do you KNOW that you are MORE than enough? LIVE in this truth.

When do you let go of what no longer serves you? Do this as often as you need to strip down to feel the light in your soul.

How do you show yourself love? Do. This. Every. Damn. Day.

How do you allow yourself to rest? Find moments every day to slow down and BE.

When do you feel peace? Cultivate this in your life in any way, shape or form.

How often do you feel anger, sadness or pain? Allow yourself to feel these as often as they show up.

When do you allow yourself to BE you….without apologizing or pretending or giving yourself away? BE YOU – UN-apologetically, UN-abashedly, UN-scripted. 24/7, girlfriend.  There is no other way.


Be Brave


I Hear You