Tammy Hildebrand Brainspotting for Performance and Intuition

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Find Your JOY

Life shows up for all of us and we are tired, worn out and desperate for connection. 

In truth, we have long lost the ability to connect with the essence of ourSELVES.

When we lose the essence of ourSELF, life doesn’t feel good. Life feels heavy, we feel lost and our worries become bigger than our self-worth.

Part of how we connect with the essence of who we are is to do more of what brings us JOY.

What brings you JOY?

What lights your soul on fire?

What makes you feel like you are completely in the moment?

IF you don’t know, LISTEN to your body.

Joy makes us feel alive, lighter and full of laughter.

Joy is the essence of being in the moment, the experience of losing track of time and feeling fully and completely ALIVE.

If the pandemic has taught me anything, it is that I don’t just want to be living….I want to LOVE my LIFE. Part of what makes me love my LIFE is doing things that I love. Having experiences that make my heart smile.

Spending time with people that make me laugh so hard my belly hurts.

Find one thing that brings you some joy today. Any. Small. Thing. Do that thing until joy fills every cell of your body and you can FEEL joy and relax into it. Then repeat that tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow and the day after that. Repeat until you are living a life of doing something that brings you joy every single damn day.

Keep listening. Every answer you seek is inside of you.