you KNOW

When your body talks, do you listen?

Do you listen to all of the parts that want your attention?

Can you be present to everything that shows up without judgment, going into a story or fighting what IS?

There is a part of you that is connected to all that is.

A part of you that knows that it knows that it knows. 

Where do you feel that?

Where in your body do you FEEL and SENSE the highest part of yourSELF that is always trying to connect with YOU?

Put a hand there. 




Allow yourself to be present to what is happening in your body. Listen to what is trying to get your attention and express through you. 

I have been a counselor for 25 years.

EVERY TIME someone comes into my office and talks about something that they regret, that they wish they would have done differently or wish they could change…..


They knew. They knew. They knew.

They just didn’t listen.

For the record….

I have done the same thing in MY OWN life. 

Ignored the warning signs.

Justified the reasons.

Ignored the silent whispers and subtle messages that morphed into screams and then eventually I experienced life altering consequences and changes.

I have learned that when God/Universe/Jesus/Yahweh/Mohammed/Whateveryoubelievein talks we MUST LISTEN.

The lesson of NOT listening is too great otherwise.

The lesson otherwise taught me that NOT listening to my inner voice brought me pain, self-imposed suffering and tremendous loss.

The lesson otherwise taught me that ultimately, any decision I made that didn’t follow the deep knowing within did not serve my life or make me happy.

And yet……the lesson otherwise also taught me that there is a power greater than me that is ALWAYS trying to express itself through me.


So I sit.

And I listen.

And I follow whatever comes up…..EVEN IF it doesn’t make sense…or I don’t know the end game….or people look at me like I have two heads.

I Listen.

I Listen more.

I Listen even more.

The more I listen, the more life gets a little easier and just……..flows.

EVERYTHING you need to know is inside of you. Listen.


Meditate Anyway
