Tammy Hildebrand Brainspotting for Performance and Intuition

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Be Brave

Be Brave.

Be true to your own soul, even when others don’t understand.

Disappoint people. You are not here to be who everyone else wants or needs you to be.

Be Brave.

Find your authentic voice and speak it loudly. The world needs to hear what you have to say.

Honor your truth, even when it is hard to speak.

Say what you mean, mean what you say, don’t say it mean.

Be Brave.

Own your quirks, your weird and your wild….they are what make you real.

Share yourself so boldly that those who appreciate you see your beacon of light.

Be Brave.

Listen to the voice within that knows that it knows that it knows. It is your compass.

You are here for a purpose.

You are more than enough.

You are worthy.

Be Brave.

The world needs ALL of who you are.

Create a life you love.

Be Brave.