Tammy Hildebrand Brainspotting for Performance and Intuition

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We are tired.

Worn out.


Our bodies are tired, our souls are weary and levels of stress are at an all time high. 

And yet, the same routine of wearing and burning out gets repeated day after day, week after week.

Some take pride in the go-go-go. The “look how busy my life is” mentality……as if that, somehow, being busy is the hallmark of a good and happy life.

Sometimes “being busy” is used to avoid home, suppress feelings or numb out from aspects of life we don’t want to address.

And, sometimes, being busy is just what we have created and without knowing it, we have worn ourselves out into stress, disease or mental health issues.

RESTING appears to be something that we feel we don’t have time for, don’t make time for, or have forgotten to incorporate into our lives entirely.

So what do we need to do?


Slow down.

REST your body.

Rest your mind.

Rest your SOUL.

Do absolutely nothing for as long as it takes to feel like you have YOU back. Repeat.

Then repeat again.

Repeat some more. 

The dishes will always be there. The laundry IS never ending. There will always be errands to run and that last thing to cross off of your to do list.

Do what needs to be done and is a priority NOW….yes, you might have to go into work, take the kids to school or put gas in your car. Do what needs to be done and let the rest go.  Just for today.

Today, rest.

Just BE.

Then, repeat the priorities tomorrow and find moments to rest. 

Repeat until having moments of rest become part of your daily routine.

Repeat until allowing your body, mind and soul to rest feels like sunshine.

REST until you feel like you have energy, stamina and LIFE in your body.

 Allow RESTING to bring LIFE back into your life……you will be so glad you did.